Fördjupning [2000-11-18]

Tom Waits sångtexter till musikalen Woyzeck

Repetera in några sångtexter innan du åker till Köpenhamn och tittar på Wilsons och Waits musikal Woyzeck.

Misery´s the River of the World
Misery´s the River of the World

The higher that the monkey can climb
The more he shows his tail
Call no man happy ´til he dies
There´s no milk at the bottom of the pail

God builds a church
The devil builds a chapel
Like the thistles that are growing
´round the crank of a tree
All the good in the world
You can put inside a thimble
And still have room for you and me

If there´s one thing you can say
About Mankind
There´s nothing kind about man
You can drive out nature with a pitch fork
But it always comes roaring back again

Misery´s the River of the World
Misery´s the River of the World
Misery´s the River of the World

For want of a bird
The sky was lost
For want of a nail
A shoe was lost
For want of a life
A knife was lost
For want of a toy
A child was lost

Misery´s the River of the World
Misery´s the River of the World
Everybody row! Everybody row!
Misery´s the River of the World
Misery´s the River of the World
Misery´s the River of the World
Everybody row! Everybody row! Everybody row!


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